The Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s State of the Bay Report 2016 concludes that the conditions are improving for the bay. According to the 2016 State of the Bay Report, the Chesapeake Bay hasn’t been this healthy since 1998! This is great news for the bay itself, the marine life in it, and the residents and tourists of Virginia Beach who enjoy this body of water.

When it comes to the report, there are three parts to examine the bay. Pollution, habitat, and fisheries are all tested to see what the conditions are for the year.

The pollution section of the report is based on five types of testing. Nitrogen levels, phosphorous levels, water clarity, dissolved oxygen, and toxins are all things to be examined when looking into the pollution levels. All tests came back with a better score than last year, except for the toxins level. The toxins level came back as the same. It’s better than being worse than last year’s level!

Since the overall pollution of the Chesapeake Bay decreased, it’s only natural that the habitats of the water could thrive with ease. It was seen that in 2016, more underwater grasses were able to flourish. This is great for marine life because it’s what many crabs, fish, and other species obtain vital nutrients. Since the underwater grasses were able to grow at a positive rate this year, it’s evident that the water clarity was better. It is necessary for the water to be of good clarity for the sun to be able to reach the grasses. Growth of the underwater grasses creates a healthy environment for marine life because of the oxygen that is produce.

According to the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s site displaying their State of the Bay Report 2016, you will find that many of the fisheries are becoming abundant once again. Rockfish, blue crabs, oysters, and shad are recovering. The amount of blue crabs seems to be improving the most. The states that the number of adult blue crabs has TRIPLED since 2016.

This is outstanding news for many reasons! It is very exciting to know that Chesapeake Bay is improving in quality. We have the Chesapeake Bay Foundation to thank for all of their contributions. They are saving the quality of the bay and the beauty of Virginia Beach.

Some things that people can do to help is reduce toxins in our life. Cut out using fertilizers and pesticides. Remember to pick up after your pet. Their waste can find its way to the waterways and create harmful bacteria. Dump certain items in the correct places. Do you know where to dump paint? It’s NOT in the trash! Click to the Chesapeake Bay Foundation site to learn other ways that you can pitch in at home to help the waterways.