Virginia Beach is feeling the cold weather that Mother Nature is bringing, and our pets are, too!

Some canine breeds love the cold. A few breeds that come to mind that can handle the snow are Huskies, Labrador Retrievers, and Akitas. But, some of our little pups may not be so pleased by the dropping temperatures. Rat Terriers, Chihuahuas, and Pugs are definitely on the list who are not fond of the wintertime. But all dogs, no matter the breed, need extra attention during the winter. So, what to do? Do you think only a doggie coat will do the trick? Not so fast!

Let’s think about what is most effected on a dog’s body when out in the cold… Paw pads, of course! Continuous trots on the cold pavement can be too much for our pets, especially if their paw pads are cracked. Check the paw pads for any cracks or bleeding that may be occurring before going out for your daily walk. Cracks are not only uncomfortable, but they may be a gateway for salt and sand to become lodged into the pad. Ouch! In my household, we love and trust this oatmeal infused Paw Butter. It’s ultra soothing and natural. If there are cracks on the paw pads, try using dog booties, on top of Paw Butter, until the cracks are healed. This will allow the cracks to heal faster because they will be protected while outside. The booties we know are worth every penny are called Ultra Paws. They are highly rated and recommended. They come in different colors and sizes! Click here for some cute and comfy booties to check out for your pet.

Even though it is cold outside, our furry friends still want and need some play time outside. Animals are very instinctive. They know when enough is enough. If your pup is too cold, they will show it through body language. Look for signs of lethargy and obvious shivering. That means it’s time to go inside!

We hope your fur babies stay warm and happy during this chilly season!