If you are considering making a move to Virginia Beach and you have children that are of school age, then you are going to want to know a little bit about the different schools in the area. You will find that there are quite a few public schools in and around Virginia Beach. The schools are all part of the city government and they are responsible for the K-12 education.

The school system in Virginia Beach is the third-largest in the state, and it is among the 50 largest systems in the nation. Because of the high population in and around Virginia Beach, there are quite a few schools, and the one that you choose for your children will likely be based upon your location in the city. Currently, there are just over 70,000 students in the Virginia Beach school system. All of the more than 80 schools that are a part of the system are fully accredited with the Virginia Standards of Learning.

What happens if you are living in an area and you don’t want your child to attend the nearest school? If you have done research, and you’ve found that there is another school in the system that you believe would be a better candidate for your child’s education, you may be able to move your child to the new school. However, it isn’t quite as simple as bringing your child to the new school!

You will want to visit the website for the Virginia Beach City Public Schools and request an out of zone transfer. In addition to the paperwork, some conditions must be met. For example, requesting an out of zone attendance may not be approved if the school to which you want to send your child is already at max capacity of students. Those who have questions about transferring their child to another school should visit the Virginia Beach City Public Schools website or contact an administrator. They will be able to help you with your paperwork.

There are many great schools in the area, and you are sure to find the perfect place to send your child. As always, make sure that you have an open dialogue with your child and his or her teachers so that you know if there are any problems. Getting a good education is very important, and Virginia Beach has an excellent school system that can make your sure child gains the knowledge he or she needs to succeed.