Virginia Beach has been long awaiting its supposed sports arena. The arena for our beach city has been up in the air for over three years. It’s no secret that this proposed arena has been having difficulties being brought to fruition. There has been trouble making deadlines with payments, votes against the arena, and other bumps along the way. But, this future sporting complex is appearing to be more and more promising as all the right moves for its funding are taking place.

The Virginia Beach arena could very well be called home to a future NBA and NHL team.

With comments from an NBA writer, Chris Tomasson, he states, “It doesn’t look great for Virginia Beach to land an NBA team, but it wouldn’t be impossible”, we can’t help but think there is some hope for our very own city hosting a national basketball team.

In recent months, there has been much question if the supposed arena would be fully supported by officials because it is going to cost a lot of money.

The most recent buzz about the VA Beach arena is the fact that JPMorgan Chase “is behind the loan commitment for the $300 million Virginia Beach arena project, reliable sources told Inside Business on Wednesday morning.” (Quote from Pilot Online.)

With such a large sum of money going to back the arena project, it’s a pretty clear sign that something great is to come in the next year or so.

There’s no doubt that Virginia Beach will become an even more popular city than it already is. Can you just imagine what kind of economic progress it will bring to VA Beach? It’s going to give a huge boom to businesses and our local economy.

Virginia Beach Mayor, Will Sessoms, predicts a hot season for Virginia Beach in two years for March Madness.

Mayor Will Sessoms tweets, “Imagine March Madness in the City of VA Beach two years from now in our new arena.”

What do you think about the Virginia Beach arena? Let us know in the comments below!