Spring Break – A Vacation From Education

Virginia Beach is a very popular vacation destination for many beach goers year-round — and Spring is certainly no exception. For 2016, we welcome all of the spring breakers taking a small hiatus away from their studies, to come and enjoy our sandy shores. Students come from all over the US, many coming from our northern states like Maryland, New Jersey, New York, and Connecticut, even as far away as Canada!

What’s a college kid to do during spring break around Hampton Roads? Aside from the usual sun tanning, bars, movies, concerts, and foodie related experiences, there are many free to low-cost things to do. Be sure to checkout our oceanfront beach calendar for all the latest listings of things to experience. You can even subscribe to our calendar to be notified as events are added, changed, or cancelled.

The very first thing to do during your vacation from education is to take a relaxing stroll down the VA Beach boardwalk and enjoy the sights and sounds of the oceanfront. Listen to the waves pound the shore. Hear the calling of the birds and occasionally, jets, overhead. Smell the delicious food being cooked and served at the various beachfront restaurants. This is also a great time to mingle with others.

If you start at the lower number streets, you may notice many surfers in the area. Surfers like to paddle out around those streets because the waves are typically better and there are less tourists (shhh – local’s secret). If you’re a fan of the sport, head down there in the morning. Surfers know the early surfer gets the waves. There are some really talented locals surfers! Definitely go see them in action. Interested in learning how to surf? There are inexpensive surf lessons you can take if you’re not allergic to cold water or a wet suit around this time of year.

Another thing to do in Virginia Beach during spring break is to experience the vibrant night-life. A favorite is to grab a bite to eat or sip a cocktail at Catch 31 on 31st Street at the Oceanfront. Here you can hang out at Catch 31’s outside seating which includes many fire pits. This is a really cool place to come for dinner or to cool off with a quick drink. Their seafood is fresh and extremely tasty. Peabody’s is another place to visit — if you’re looking for more of the “scene” to enjoy at night.

Right across from Catch 31 is the Neptune Park. There are many shows in the afternoon and evening at the Neptune Park. Sometimes, if you catch it at the right time, you can have dinner and a show! At Neptune Park, you will usually find live performers and people dancing along to the music. It’s a great place to hang out and find other spring breakers.

While walking on the boardwalk, it can get crowded. You’re not the only one enjoying the salt life! When that happens, it would be a great time to rent a bike! Bikes are always available for rent along the boardwalk. Cruising around the boardwalk on the dedicated bike path is so much faster! We recommend renting a bike for at least a day. You can really explore the area faster on wheels.

Another must do for spring break is to explore Mount Trashmore. From the interstate, Mount Trashmore just looks like a big mountain but its looks are deceiving! Mount Trashmore is made of two man-made mountains, two takes, two playgrounds, a skate park, and walking trails all on 165 acres! Lots of fun to be had here! Virginia Beach’s own Pharrell Williams loved skating at Mount Trashmore’s skate park when he was younger. This is reason enough to make your way to this place if you’re a fan of his work.

During your spring break vacation, we encourage you to have fun, relax, absorb the beach life and be safe!