Have you eaten too many Christmas cookies and holiday goodies? Has 2015 left you feeling sluggish and worn down?

It’s no wonder so many resolutions are involving weight loss and getting healthier in this new year.

With that being said, VirginiaBeach.com is here to help!


Have you ever heard of it? If you’re a health nut, you probably have. If you haven’t, we are ready to teach you!

Juicing fruits and vegetables has become very popular within recent years, and for good reason. Juicing high-quality (preferably) organic fruits and vegetables replenishes the body with the most nutrients. These juices are packed with vitamins and minerals that the body can easily absorb. Juicing maximizes vitamin and mineral absorption because extracts all of the pulp/fiber. Since your body doesn’t have to worry about the pulp from the fruits and vegetables, your body can have all attention on absorbing the vitamins. Juicing is the most natural daily vitamin you can get!

A great thing about juicing is that no matter what you put in it, it will taste awesome. You can make it extra fruity, you can make it with only greens, you can even throw in some mint for a different twist of flavor!

Now, here are two recipes that tastes delicious, and obviously are nutritious.

This recipe is great for a DETOX jump start for 2016…

Detox Elixir
1/2 head of Green Cabbage
4 stalks of Celery
1 Granny Smith Apple
1/2 bunch Parsley
1 English Cucumber

– Put all ingredients (in order) into the juicer. Then, drink immediately!

This drink is great for glowing skin, thanks to the collagen-boosting cucumber. The cabbage in this juice is a cancer killer. Cabbage, parsley, and apple are packed with Vitamin C, which will keep your skin looking young and radiant. Cabbage and parsley are particularly rich in Vitamin K, which is crucial for the prevention of heart disease. This green juice is a POWERHOUSE of delicious nutrients that will thank your body from the inside out!

The second juice recipe is light and refreshing.

Orange Fizz
2 peeled and seeded Oranges
6 peeled Carrots
1 inch peeled knob of Ginger

-Put all ingredients into the juicer. Then, drink immediately!

Orange Fizz is a great drink for the immune system! This juice is full of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is amazing for keeping skin bright and glowing among many other health benefits. The ginger in this drink is enough to give it a spicy “fizz” punch. The benefits of ginger are huge, even believed to shrink cancer cells. http://naturalsociety.com/ginger-destroys-cancer-more-effectively-than-cancer-drugs/

In our house, we use the Omega J8004 Nutrition Center Commercial Masticating Juicer, White

We chose the Omega Juicer because it extracts nutrients without the need to generate heat. Heat destroys the nutrients. While masticating juicers are more expensive than others, we really recommend it because of its huge health benefits!