We expect hotels to be clean every time we arrive, but sometimes, that is not the case. Did you know some items in a hotel room aren’t cleaned for every visitor?

Blanche Garcia, from ‘Hotel Impossible’ on the Travel Channel, dishes out hotels’ dirty little secrets.

Continue reading to see what is safe, and which items you should toss aside.

3 Tips to Stay Sanitary

1. The first thing that Blanche Garcia advises guests to do when coming to a hotel is to put luggage and suitcases in the bathtub. This is because bed bugs aren’t able to penetrate the porcelain.

2. The next thing to do is actually check if there are any bed bugs, to begin with. How to check for them is pull the sheets up and look for dark areas and/ or blood stains on the edges of the mattress itself. If there is no sign of bed bugs, you are free to set luggage wherever in the room. If you do find bed bugs, we suggest you hit the road!

3. A couple items that may be iffy on cleanliness are the throw pillows and comforter cover that usually is placed on the end of the bed. She also suggests that you bring and wear slippers because “things” can be lurking and living in the carpet fibers.

Obviously, when going on vacation, staying in a hotel is one of the most popular choices. 

To ensure you pick one of the cleanest hotels at the Virginia Beach Oceanfront, we highly suggest you take a look at our Virginia Beach hotels list.

Our list on our hotel tab are the highest rated on Google and Yelp, and we are so proud of that. Our conscience just will not ever let us lead tourists to poor quality hotels. If you decide to book any hotel that we do not have listed, we encourage you to follow the tips we have shared above!

Watch the whole video from Fox News of Blanche Garcia from ‘Hotel Impossible’ here: ‘Hotel Impossible’ Consultant Blanche Garcia on the Gross Things Every Hotel Guest Should Know

Do you have any experiences to share with us? Which hotels have you been to that you would recommend to a friend or family member? Share your thoughts in the comments below!